The Challenge

Replace traditional fossil fuels with low carbon renewable fuels to reduce GHG emissions at the lowest possible cost

The Problem with Traditional Fuels

The problem with traditional fossil fuels is that they are a finite resource. Oil, natural gas, and coal have been around for millions of years, but their supply won’t last forever. Fossil fuels are being used much quicker than they can be replenished, and it's become a serious problem.

Additionally, many people do not have access to electricity or energy sources that use traditional fossil fuels. By using the power of our direct methane conversion technology and #1 Super Ultra Low CI Renewable Fuels Pathway, GasTechno® can create unlimited energy sources at no expense to the environment.

The transportation sector is undergoing a long-term transformation as traditional fossil fuels are replaced with low carbon renewable fuels and electricity. The challenge is to produce low carbon renewable fuels from small-scale, distributed sources of renewable gas from landfills, dairy digesters and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP).

One of the problems identified within the CARB program using Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) as a transportation fuel was partially explained on October 27, 2021:

“In addition to incentivizing the expansion of factory farms that pollute communities, clean transportation advocates contend that LCFS credits for factory farm methane also perpetuate the false claim that compressed gas, whether it is fracked or from factory farms, is a solution for reducing smog-forming NOx and climate pollution from heavy-duty trucks. NOx pollution from methane powered vehicles is often just as high as NOx pollution from diesel trucks — and at times can be even higher

“The inclusion of credits for factory farm gas in the low carbon fuel standards perpetuates the dangerous myth that gas powered trucks are a viable alternative to electric trucks, when the reality is that switching from one polluting vehicle to another would lock in decades of unnecessary climate and air pollution,” said Paul Cort, director of Earthjustice’s Right to Zero campaign.

A failure to consider the true pollution and climate warming impacts of factory farm gas in the LCFS will impact the efficacy of other transportation pollution reduction policies insofar as they rely on LCFS investments in dairy- and swine-produced fuels. The CARB Board will consider adoption of the Mobile Source Strategy at a meeting tomorrow, which counts on increased production of factory farm gas without consideration of its air, water, and climate impacts, especially in lower income communities and communities of color.” 

GasTechno does not have this problem as we convert the renewable gas directly to methanol and ethanol at or near the source of the supply.

By using the power of our direct methane conversion technology and #1 Super Ultra Low CI Renewable Fuels Pathway, GasTechno® can meet the challenge of replacing traditional fossil fuels with low carbon fuels as the world transitions to a more sustainable future.

Landfill Gas

Methane is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the atmosphere and is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. It leaks from landfills where it is produced by the decomposition of decaying organic material such as food and paper. Methane needs to be captured and converted to clean, renewable energy.

GasTechno® Mini-GTL® is the only third-party proven direct methane conversion technology operating in the world that converts natural gas from landfills, agricultural operations, wastewater treatment plants, and other sources into high value liquid chemicals and fuels including methanol and ethanol in a single-step.

Livestock Operations

Agricultural sources account for over a third of the methane emissions in the United States each year. It’s reported that enteric fermentation is the main source of agricultural methane emissions, and livestock and manure management are the largest contributors. With the increased demand for renewable fuels, there is a growing need to develop new technologies that can convert these waste sources into low-carbon transportation fuel. The GasTechno® Mini-GTL and Super Low CI Renewable Fuels Pathway meet this need by converting natural gas, landfill gas, biogas, into higher value products including methanol, hydrogen, DME, biodiesel and electricity.

Wastewater Treatment

With more than 16,000 WWTPs in the United States, and about 1,300 employing anaerobic digesters to produce biogas, significant potential exists to produce RNG or other renewable fuels from WWTP biogas for use in vehicles. According to EPA estimates, about 1 cubic foot of biogas is produced per 100 gallons during the digestion of solids removed in the wastewater treatment process. GasTechno® is uniquely positioned to capture a large share of the sizeable wastewater biogas-to-renewable fuels market.

GasTechno® Renewable Fuels Pathway

The Super Ultra Low (CI) Solution

There is a growing demand for clean transportation fuels in the United States. Hydrogen, Methanol, DME and POM have significant potential to supply the automobile, heavy equipment, and trucking fleet markets. This US market is currently served by a declining supply of petroleum-based fuels, and the movement toward more expensive fuels. This will create an opportunity for our renewable fuels to replace current, fossil fuel transportation fuel sources in the near future.

The Solution?

GasTechno® Mini-GTL®

Leading the way with the lowest cost, most innovative solution for converting small-scale sources of biogas to renewable fuels

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